Home Tech Tuesdays Tech Tuesdays – Twitter – KISS RE #4

Tech Tuesdays – Twitter – KISS RE #4


Twitter’s not scary, it’s simple if you follow @TheRECoach’s advice in this video! Watch now!

What’s up, people? It’s The RE Coach, and this is Tech Tuesday on ReboReports.

If you’ve been with us for this series, I hope you’re having a good time. This is called KISS-RE: Keep It Simple, Stupid, so that we can break things down, make it easy for you to put your business on the internet. That’s the game. We want you to be found in the search engines when people type in certain keywords.

Last week, we talked about the very first social network in our process. That was Facebook Business Pages. Today, w’ere going to talk about Twitter. A lot of you just fell back in your chair and said “oh, my god, twitter. I can’t. I’m scared of it. I’m afraid of it. I don’t want to tweet. I don’t understand. Why do people want to know, you know, that I’m going to the restroom right now?”

That’s not what Twitter is. Twitter is, by far, the strongest way to share information anywhere. I mean, I’m tell… I’m saying, this might be better than television in that it’s free and it’s fast. I want you to give, I’m going to give you one example of what Twitter can do. There’s lots of times when we’ve dealt across the world with natural disasters. There’s been earthquakes, floods, whatever it might be, large fires. Twitter is so powerful, we are inside that natural disaster while it’s happening. There are countless stories of flood victims in Indonesia where they were on Twitter at the time the wave was coming. That’s powerful stuff.

So I want you to think of Twitter as THE strongest and most powerful broadcasting tool ever. Now, is it going to take a while for people to actually listen to you? Of course it is. Think about yourself growing up, when you were three years old, and you went into a room full of adults. Did they listen to you? No. They didn’t. When you were six, did they listen to you? Maybe a little bit, but not really. It progresses, and that’s what Twitter does.

How do I get on Twitter? It’s pretty simple. You go to Twitter.com. When the first page comes up, there’s going to be “New to Twitter? Sign up here.” That’s where I want you to click. Now, once you click, it’s going to pre-populate with some information. I don’t want you to pay attention to that. I’m going to give you some tips on how to fill it out right now so that it will benefit you to the maximum.

Number 1: Full name. That’s you. That’s easy. Right? That’s where your full name goes.

Under your Email, think back to our previous videos, this is your branded email. Remember mine was belmontshorehomesforsale@gmail.com? Don’t put in your standard email. And I know you’re going to want to, because it’s the first thing we do as human beings.

Your password? Whatever you want. Secretly, it doesn’t matter to me, but pick one that you can remember, because this is the biggest thing I get from people who call me for help is “What was my password? I can’t get into my Twitter account.” Please put in there something that you can remember.

Username? Hello, flash, this is the big one, this is the nugget, ok? Brand your username. It’s going to pre-populate your name, like Eric Bryant147. You can only use 15 characters in Twitter. It’s really tough. But if I were to take my branded name from earlier in the videos, Belmont Shore Homes for Sale, I might abbreviate it, BelmontShoreRE, or REBelmontShore. Do you understand what I’m doing? I’m condensing it to 15 or less because that’s what I have to do for Twitter, but I’m staying loyal to the brand. That’s what’s important throughout this series, staying loyal to the brand.

Click “Create my account” and BOOM! You’re on Twitter. You are now ready to tweet. Now the fun part is, in a future video, I’m going to teach you a little trick with a free tool that allows you to tweet without tweeting. I’m going to leave you with that to think about. Tweet without tweeting. I’m going to make your life easy, that’s what we do here on KISS-RE.

If you have questions about Twitter, Facebook, anything we’ve talked about before, or internet marketing in general, get ahold of me, TheRECoach@gmail.com or (562)646-6710. And if you’re a broker or a manager of an office, get ahold of me and ask me to be a part of your sales meeting or do a full training for your people. That’s what I love to do. Get ahold of me.

In our next video, we’re going to talk about LinkedIn. That’s number 3 on our social networks. Big, powerful, and you’re going to want to be there. Thanks for being on the series. This is The Coach, and this is Tech Tuesday.

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