Home ReboCoaching Mentor Mondays Mentor Mondays – Managing your time

Mentor Mondays – Managing your time


There are always going to be 24 hours in a day, no matter how many more we wish would be added.  One big thing which separates successful real estate agents and less successful ones is what they do with that 24 hours.  In this week’s Mentor Mondays, Jeff Petsche takes on the topic of time management in a real estate context, with concrete steps that any agent can take to make their work life more productive and their overall life more in balance.

If you’d like more information on the two books Jeff talks about in this video, they’re available at Amazon:


Be Informed – Ask Yourself: What act of kindness can I show a Stranger?

This week's messages Talked about what can you do to service Humanity so I'm going to ask you ...

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