So far on Mentor Mondays, Jeff Petsche has talked about different strategies for generating new business: smart searching, lead farming, follow-up with properties of interest, and so on. It’s exciting, developing a sale from a hint of potential in an e-mailed report. But if you focus all your efforts on the adrenaline rush of the new-lead hunt, you are missing out on two very important sources of business: previous clients, and people you know from elsewhere in your life. These are people who already know you and already trust you, which are huge steps in developing business.
In this edition of Mentor Mondays, Jeff goes into detail on how to avoid this “biggest mistake most agents make.” In particular, he provides a variety of suggestions for approaching these people, whether you’re a new agent starting out, or an experienced agent who has lost touch with past clients (and may be too embarrassed to renew contact).
Debbies’ Tip’s – Handling Commission Objections
Hi it's Debbie again with another tip and you know we've been talking a lot about commission ...
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