Home ReboCoaching Debbie's Tips Debbie’s Tips – Multiple Key Sources of Business

Debbie’s Tips – Multiple Key Sources of Business


Hi my name is Debbie Degrote and I am the owner and President of Excelleum Coaching & Consulting and I am here today doing “Debbie’s Tips” on ReboReports.

So what we wanted to talk with you about today is how it’s important when you are building a strong real estate business to have more than one key source of business. Now if we spoke with many of you, you may have one or two that are typically your go to. So what I would like to ask you is first of all on those key sources are you doing all that you can to extract as much is first of all on those key sources are you doing all that you can to extract as much business as possible? As I talk to many of our great clients across North America, one of the things I always realize when they first come to us is that they are usually not digging in deep into those areas that they are already working. So that would be the first goal.

The next thing I would like to ask you to do is to consider, of all of the options of prospecting– what would be the best fit for your skill, your market and your personality. There’s so many to choose from.

So ideally you want to have 3 to 5 key sources with action steps clearly outlined to work each of those sources. Now if you would like I have a very simple little form that I would be happy to send to you as a gift to you called “prospecting sources” where you can break it down what is that source what are your key steps? So you can certainly reach out to Rebo, You can also reach out to me DebbieDegrote@gmail.com and we will be happy to get that report to you. So again 3 to 5 key sources, very clearly defined action steps and then let’s get busy prospecting. Talk to you soon.

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