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Social Media

Why is social media important for real estate agents?

If you’re like most real estate agents, you get most of your business from referrals from friends, family, and former clients who know you and that you do a good job. You then spend much of the rest of your time farming for leads, marketing, and just generally hustling to find the rest of the […]

Measuring return on your social media investment?

Social media is redefining the business landscape, especially in the real estate arena.  However, this means that it’s hard to explain under traditional business practices.  In this video, Bob Watson (Top Broker Network Consulting) addresses the issue of measuring your Return on Investment (ROI) from your marketing efforts.  To put it another way, he tackles […]

Social Media – Getting Started

Social media provides powerful tools for building and retaining business, particularly in the real estate industry.  However, it can also be very overwhelming, whether or not you’re already “social media savvy.”  Bob Watson, an expert in the intersection between social media and real estate, brings his expertise to ReboReports in this series of videos. In […]