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Real Life Real Estate

RLRE – Objection Handling – “After the holidays…”

If you’ve been in the real estate business for more than 10 months or so, chances are you’ve heard the classic excuse from potential clients: “After the holidays…” Sure, you can say “ok” and put them on your calendar to call back in January, but there’s another strategy, a strategy which can help make your holidays much happier. In this first video in our objection-handling role play series, real estate coach Dan Smith and top producer Pablo Rener show you how to convince someone that the holiday season IS the best time to sell a home.

Real Life Real Estate – 7 Key Steps to Handling Objections

The best way to get better at anything is to practice, and the next best way is to learn from experts. This is definitely true for sales, and while we can’t practice with you, over the next few weeks we will be featuring a series of videos in which Dan Smith, our expert real estate coach, role plays sales scenarios, which should not only give you ideas for your own practice, but should also be very educational and informative. In order to prepare for those videos, this week’s video is an excellent overview on objection handling. Smooth objection handling can not only diffuse potential problems, but can also make the difference between a sale and a zero. Watch, practice, and keep learning!

Real Life Real Estate – WORK the Fourth Quarter

“That time of year,” when you pull out the holiday decorations and the holiday excuses for not working, is coming, and it’s coming fast. We’ve just entered the fourth quarter of the year, and as real estate coach Dan Smith emphasizes in this latest episode of Real Life Real Estate, the fourth quarter is the most important quarter, not just for this year, but for next year too. Needless to say, if you want your business to succeed and grow in the new year, you should watch this video now, before any more of Q4 passes you by.