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Be Informed – Open House Greeting


Of the entire process of selling a home to the right buyer, you have very few instances to make a strong first impression, and the importance of the open house greeting cannot be overstressed. It sounds relatively simple, “Welcome to our open house. This four bedroom, three bath home stands out with a highly competitive price point of $165,000.” Unfortunately, too much information will overwhelm and make potential buyers skittish of your understanding of their wants and needs.

Rather than jumping into the details of the financial cost of the home, try an alternative approach to providing information about the home.

“Welcome. My name is James Smith, and I am the real estate agent for today’s open house. This four bedroom, three bath home has some excellent price points, and I’d would love to give you a guided tour. Otherwise, you are welcome to look around and ask me or my associate, Jennie, any questions you can think of.”

This approach gives potential buyers enough information about the style of the house without giving them a hard financial selling point to remember immediately. Although your introduction to potential buyers remains a critical step in finding the perfect buyer, you need to take three personal considerations for your appearance as well.

  • Regardless of your company’s policy on casual dress, you should wear professional, business attire.
  • Your hair style speaks volumes about your attention to detail. Avoid hairstyles that appear shaggy, unkempt, or spiked. A sleek hairstyle alludes to finesse and organization.
  • Wear comfortable dress shoes; avoid wearing new shoes to an open house. New shoes have a high chance of causing pain or discomfort, and you do not want buyers to mistake a grimace of pain for disappointment in open house turnout.

When your potential clients have a good first impression of your attitude and willingness to provide a service beyond the introduction, you have given out a memorable business card. If the person visiting the open house does not find what he or she wants, you will be in the perfect position to offer your services in locating an alternative home.

Above all else, never underestimate the importance of an open house greeting. Tune in to our next program on advice for giving tours during an open house without becoming a “shopper-stalker. “

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